a) Vitamin E can be taken orally in spansules formulation, when you developed curvature of milder degree. It acts as healing enzyme adjunct, thereby bringing about positive healing mechanism. It has been used for long time as Peyronie’s disease treatment. It can also be obtained from corn oil, soybean oil and margarine. Best thing you should know about Vitamin E, it is without any side effects.
b) Colchicine has been shown to help in getting curvature of penile shaft to maximum normal as well as it relieves associated painful coitus. That is something of good news! And then there is combination of Vitamin E and Colchicine, showing very promising results in slowing down misdirected healing of injured Tunica albuginea. It has been also proved that collagenase activity increases with Colchicine which reduces collagen synthesis. The reduction in size of plaque is quite significant.
c) Injected medicine like calcium channel blocker Verapamil, collagenase, and interferon can be given. These are given intralesionally into the plaque, and they bring about reduction and swelling of injury and size of plaque.
d) Potassium ammonium benzoate or POTABA has been tried and can be effective as it may soften that hard scar your curved shaft has developed over the time. But its use has limited popularity and you may give up using as for quite unpleasant side effects.
Surgical Treatment
The surgical approach may or may not be suited in your case. If the curvature you present with is 20% or less than 60%, there is no way you should opt for surgery as the Peyronie’s disease treatment given above may suffice. Above 60% of normal curvature are usually best candidates for surgical approach.
Traction Devices, use of which intermittently in mild to moderate cases of Peyronie’s disease give enough straightening to have close to normal sexual act performance.
In the end, not to worry is the best advice any doctor can give to you. With more reporting about Peyronie’s disease, there is more evolvement of treatment methods. Any of one of these can just be the ideal for you.
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