Existing Treatments for Peyronie Disease

peyronies device
Peyronies device
Aside from the difficulty experienced during sexual intercourse due to the inability to achieve or keep erection, people with Peyronie disease (also known as Peyronie’s disease) experience anxiety, stress and reduced self-esteem. There are many existing Peyronie disease treatment modes available today. Although there are doubts and ongoing debates about their effects because of the inconclusive results of researches, the treatments outlined below have been helping people with Peyronie disease to lead a normal life for years.
  • Medication and supplements. Medical treatments taken orally or through injections are only recommended at the early stages of the disease. The goal of the treatment is to either reduce the inflammation during the initial stages of the disease or to break down the excess collagen in the penis. 

Symptoms of Peyronie’s Disease

penile pain cause peyronie disease
Penile pain during erection because of Peyronie's Disease
Peyronie’s Disease is a rare form of penile condition, which causes progressive penile deformity and leads to erectile dysfunction. This is due to the growth and accumulation of fibrous plaques in the tunica albuginea surrounding the corpora cavernosa following a trauma or an injury inside the soft tissues of the penis which caused an internal localized bleeding. Overtime, these fibrous plaques can either prevent someone from achieving erection or can cause painful erection. It is therefore best to diagnose the presence of the disease and seek treatment as early as possible.

Here are the symptoms of Peyronie’s Disease:
  • Hard area in the penis. The primary symptom of Peyronie’s Disease is the formation of scar tissues referred herein as fibrous plaques. This could be felt as a hard area under the skin. Normally, this hard area is found at the upper side but could also occur at the bottom or side.
  • Curved or deformed penis. During erection, this hardened area of the penis (or the location of the fibrous plaques) shortens, thereby causing the penis to bend. The direction at which the penis is bent is determined by the location of the hardened area. If it is at the upper part of the penis, the penis bends upward. If it is at the bottom or at the side, it bends towards the bottom or towards the particular side at which the plaque is located, consequently. The presence of more than one hardened area causes complex curvature of the penis
  • Penile pain. Pain in the penis occurs during inflammation. However, it can also occur during penetration as the fibrous plaque and the curvature of the penis makes penile penetration difficult. 
  • Erectile dysfunction. The disease could either cause flaccidity of the tip of the penis (or the end), or it could make achieving erection difficult. It is estimated that 41-55% of patients with the disease experience erectile dysfunction

Although the above indicated symptoms could, by themselves, determine the presence of the disease, there are also other tests, which could further verify their presence. The best way is to consult your doctor as soon as possible in order to decide for the best possible course of treatment before everything turns awry.

Curved Penis Determines Peyronie’s Disease

curvature of penile shaft
Curved Penis
There are many acceptable penile forms—most of which are considered normal—which include curvature of penile shaft inherent to the person’s genetic makeup. However, a certain condition known as Peyronie’s disease, of which the main attribute is the formation of scar tissues known as plaque in the tissues surrounding the corpora cavernosa, causes the penile shaft to bend in an unusual way, interfering with achieving and maintaining erection and making sexual activity difficult.

During erection, these tissues are said to shorten, which is the cause of the curvature of penile shaft. These fibrous plaques, which form in the thick sheath of tissues that surround the corpora cavernosa, grow thereby increasing the degree of the severity of the disease. 

Curvature of penile shaft, which is a good determinant of the presence of Peyronie’s disease, causes pain during inflammation and discomfort during penile penetration. Because of its unusual shape, during coitus, a sexual partner could complain about discomfort. 

This condition is said to affect 5% of the male population. Although it is predominant among men between 40 to 60 years old, there are reported cases of Peyronie’s disease in males as young as 18 years old and as old as 80.

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