There are a number of different types of tissue within the penis, but the main ones are “Tunica Albuginea”, which is the layer of tough connective tissue that surrounds the softer Corpora Cavernosa. With Peyronie’s disease, scar tissue forms in the “Tunica Albuginea”. Once the tissue develops, normal expansion of the penis during an erection is prevented.
Although the early stages of the condition are somewhat painful, the pain eventually eases naturally and there is no requirement for long-term drug use. The most obvious long-term symptom is the curvature, which is most obvious during an erection. In some cases, the penis becomes shorter than normal when it is in its flaccid state. Most sufferers are able to enjoy sex with their partners normally and experience no pain during the actual sexual act intercourse. However, as the curvature gets worse, and reaches a right angle, sexual intercourse becomes a major problem.
Peyronie’s disease can affect men of all ages and races however it is most common in Caucasian males aged over 40. The condition is unrelated to cancer or any other serious conditions, and it has no known cure. In fact, many men who have been treated for the disease have relapsed. Many treatments have been developed for Peyronie’s disease, but not one of them has so far been proven to be a complete solution to the problem.
In many cases, the most commonly offered treatment is surgery, and a number of different methods are used including the insertion of implants via surgical intervention, which is used in the most severe cases.
Until recently, surgery was the only real option for treating Peyronie’s disease because there were no reliable alternatives. The most common technique available was the use of penile implants in the form of either solid or inflatable plastic cylinders, which are placed inside the Corpora Cavernosa. There are two ways of performing the surgery – either the surgeon can place the implants inside the penis and leave them to straighten out the organ, or alternatively, he can attempt to bend the penis against the plaque of hardened tissue in order to assist with correcting the curvature.
Another surgical method that has been widely used to treat Peyronie’s is the use of tissue grafts. In this case, the surgeon completely removes the plaque of tissue, this straightens the penis and brings it back to its original shape. This method of surgery is most often used in cases where men have very severely bent penises where alternative methods are not suitable.
Overall, the most widely used method for correcting congenital curvature of the penis is known as the Nesbit Procedure. This procedure is carried out by filling the penis with a sterile salt solution to cause an artificial erection. Once this has been done, the surgeon uses a clamp on the outside of the best to straighten out the penis.
Looking forwards, there are other promising treatments on the horizon, and these include the use of Collagenase injections to break down the tissue in the plaque and remove it followed by a course of Verapamil injections that are formulated to prevent a new plaque from forming. These techniques are also used in conjunction with Vitamin E to help the healing process and shrink the plaque. Vitamin E has been used since the 1940s to provide a solution to Peyronie’s disease thanks to its reputation as a chemical that helps to minimize scar tissue. Potaba, also known as Potassium aminobenzoate is also a common treatment for many men, and recent studies have shown that Potaba can help, although it is not clear just how effective this substance is.
One of the most effective ways of treating Peyronie’s disease is through the use of a traction device to straighten out the penis. Although there is a certain amount of controversy surrounding novel approaches to penis health such as the use of traction devices, a number of clinical studies have been conducted to assess the effectiveness of the SizeGenetics technique.
The traction device, element of the SizeGenetics penis enlargement program, works by forcing the tissue of the penis to expand instead of contracting and worsening the curve. Men who used the SizeGenetics device regularly in clinical studies of Peyronie’s disease have been shown to reduce the curvature of their penis, as well as increasing the size of their penises.
The SizeGenetics traction device has been classified as a Medical Device Type 1 by the European Union health authorities and bears the CE sign. For your confidence, the manufacturing process is completely compliant with both the ISO13485:2003 and ISO90001:2000 quality management standards.
With your SizeGenetics traction device, you get a free membership to PenisHealth where you can find the extensive penis exercise program which features a series of exercises that will reduce the curvature of the penis caused by Peyronie’s disease.
Members of the PenisHealth program learn to increase the length and thickness of their penises, straighten out curvature, maintain their overall sexual fitness no matter what their age is, and help to prevent premature ejaculation.
If you want to find out more information about the clinically proven SizeGenetics system, and how it can help to cure Peyronie's as well as enlarge your penis, read our --> SizeGenetics Peyronie's Edition Review
How to Cure the Peyronie's Disease?
Posted by
on Apr 11, 2017
curved penis,
penis exercise,
Peyronie’s disease treatment
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