How to Straighten a Penis Curvature?

Conditions such as penis curvature cause men a great deal of anxiety, and can have a serious effect on the peace of mind that men are able to enjoy. If a man has a large and visible curve in the penis, it will make him self-conscious and have an impact on his confidence with women. Men who suffer from penis curvature will be afraid to display their penis in front of a lady in case she laughs at it or recoils in horror at the size of it. A man’s penis is something that defines his masculinity, and to have it looking peculiar and unusual may make him feel like a freak.

There are of course, many men who are actually proud of a curved penis, and they use it as a special and unusual look to underscore their rebellious personality that and treat it as a symbol of their refusal to bow to tradition. In some cases, a bent penis can be extremely desirable for ladies because the curvature will ensure that the head of the erect penis can stimulate areas that are not normally touched during sexual intercourse. So although a curved penis may be seen as special, the condition should be thought about

In some cases, a bent penis can be extremely desirable for ladies because the curvature will ensure that the head of the erect penis can stimulate areas that are not normally touched during sexual intercourse. So although a curved penis may be seen as special, the condition should be thought about because, despite the additional stimulation that it may offer, most women prefer a normal straight penis to a bent or twisted looking one.

There are a number of causes for curvatures of the penis and these can either be natural growth or come from a condition called Peyronie’s disease. Natural bending of the penis happens when the two internal chambers of the penis grow at different speeds over time. This will bend the head of the penis towards chamber that is developing at a slower rate. This natural growth cannot be prevented, although it can be corrected. Many men do not understand that treatment is available, or treat their condition with fear and do not seek out the treatment that is available. Instead, they take their chances with the reactions of women.

Peyronie’s disease was named after the first man to describe a treatment for the condition in 1743. Francois de la Peyronie, who was the surgeon to Louis XIV of France, was one of the first people to fully study the mechanisms of the disease. He discovered that the curvature of the penis is caused by the formation of scar tissue in a plaque in the “tunica albuginea” – the tough layer of connective tissue that holds the sponge-like tissues of the Corpora Cavernosa in place. The actual reasons behind the formation of this scar tissue remain unknown, but the results are obvious and manifest in the form of a curve in the penis as it becomes erect due to the inability of the tissues to expand properly.

In order to straighten the penis naturally, the only method is to instigate a program of penis exercises. The best penis fitness systems such as the PenisHealth program, provide users with a range of exercises that when carried out properly can break the scar tissue down and help straighten out the curvature.  A different method of coping with a curved penis is to use a traction device such as SizeGenetics. These apply constant pressure to the penis, and this is intended to loosen up the “tunica albuginea”, which will, in turn, straighten the penis.

In most cases, it is best to use both penis straightening techniques together. This application of effort will make the healing process much quicker, although it is important to realize that the process is a relatively slow one. The scar tissue that causes penis curvature takes time to form and can not be reversed fast. It is important to be patient and persistent. By wearing the traction device and performing the exercises every day you’ll be rewarded by seeing the bend gradually disappear over time.

If you have curved penis, you should read my Sizegenetics Review


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