SizeGenetics Curvature and Peyronie’s Edition - Extended Review

Around 10% of men worldwide suffer from curvature of the penis resulting from a build up of plaque (scar tissue).

The plaque forces the penis to curve, while either flaccid or erect, and can result in pain or depend on the severity of the curve can make sex difficult or in some extreme cases even impossible.

What Is The SizeGenetics™ Peyronies Device?

The SizeGenetics™ Peyronies Device is a non-invasive traction (with the option of amino acid and enzyme) based treatment system designed to help reduce the condition and straighten the penis naturally. It is a registered class 1 medical device.

Do You Have Peyronies Disease?

The diagnosis is based on whether scar tissue is causing the curvature. If you have scar tissue and it results in curvature then you have Peyronies disease, if not then your curvature is natural. The SizeGenetics™ Peyronies Device treatment plans are tailored to help both, so if you have high natural curvature then do not worry, there are options for you.

Medical Evidence

In a study of 40 men with varying curvatures, up to 50 degrees patients saw an improvement of up to 20 degrees with an average penis length increase of nearly 1.5 cm after 6 months, maintained after 12 months.

A survey showed that on average most patients considered that their penis and sex lives had improved, whereas studies have found that surgery led to patients complaining about decreased penis length and increased erectile dysfunction.

Does The Peyronies Device Work?

Below is the opinions of a couple of men who bought this device to try cure there Peyronies Disease, this reviews were taken from the official website and shared for your benefit.

“I have never seen anything on the market before that specifically deals with this problem, I had to try the Peyronies Device and see how it worked..I was so happy with the results.”

James, Canada (testimony from company website)

“I have all the symptoms of this disease buy was too ashamed to do something about it, since buying the Peyronies Device I have a straighter Penis with additional length which was a huge benefit.”

Alan, Australia (testimony from company website)

Packages & Treatment Plans Available

Many people want to at least try other non-invasive treatments before trying drugs or surgery. Do you? Penile traction based systems were originally devised and medically tested in part to try and design means of treatment that did not include the normal risks of drugs, such as adverse reactions, or surgery. Many patients have expressed dissatisfaction after surgery, in part due to decreased penis length.

For many men, this is a serious issue, and one well worth at least trying other treatments first. Especially if those treatments have actually increased penis length under test conditions, which the Peyronies Device actually has, and not just by millimeters, but by centimeters. Hardly the worst of side effects!

There are two treatment plans; Peyronies Device Set and Enzyme Set. The combination of these two plans works to help correct penis curvature.

Obviously, it goes without saying that before starting treatment plans you should contact your Doctor.

The Curvature Straightening Treatment Set features everything you need to work on your penile curvature. When you buy the Peyronies Device you will notice it has a Perfect Grip and Noose Directional systems, multiple strap types, and foam comfort strips for personalizing the fit.

The grip is important and the Perfect Grip system is designed to make sure the right amount of tension is applied and that it is comfortable. The Noose Directional system is designed to correct up/down/left/right directional issues allowing you to add tension where it is needed most.

A dual strap method means you can choose the fittings that suit you most. Also included are a faux leather case with lock and key for security and secrecy, instruction DVD, online exercises and the topical Vitamin E ‘Go Today’ cream as well as a free set of spare parts. But also, importantly, includes three different amino acid and enzyme combination products to help break down the scar tissue from the inside.

enyzme p500

In combination with the Peyronies Device tension system, this is the best way to combat penile curvature without resorting to more invasive techniques and their associated risks.

Where To Buy The  SizeGenetics Peyronies Device?

Best of all you can try all this for 6 months knowing that you have a full 180-day money back guarantee. This is special because no matter where you live this guarantee applies to you.

You will be able to get your money back if you do not have a straighter penis after 6 months, this offer is only available from the Official website;

Not all companies provide this. In fact, many only cover you in their home country or only cover the device itself – not your satisfaction.

This really means that if you feel you suffer from a curved penis, whether it be Peyronies Disease or just a large natural curvature, there is really nothing you can lose. It is just the price of a few weekends out for you to see an improvement in your quality of life – or your money back.

Should You Buy The SizeGenetics Peyronies Device?

Absolutely YES,

If you have searched for, and read, articles like this then you have already taken the first step. Why not finish with a medically tested device that avoids many of the painful issues and problems of other similar products – one designed with you and your comfort in mind and one where the medical evidence and personal testimony says you can expect to see an improvement – and where that expectation is backed by the company in the form of a guarantee that basically says they are willing to bet that you will?


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